
Find here sweetest mango in India which are not only sweet but great in taste.

Here is top 3 most sweetest mango found in India

Mango is most popular fruit cultivated in India. The harvesting time of mango begin in start of February  some part of India. The session of mango is celebrated in India therefore people wait for it its session to arrive . There are several varieties of mango grown in India but  over 200 types are known and consumed most.

Mango is considered to be king of fruit in India due to its popularity and craziness among Indian. Every types of mangoes are different in taste, size, taste and sweetness.

The  ripe Mango is used for eating. The flesh turns into yellowish in most of ripe mangoes and peel turns into yellowish and reddish. Although mango is sweetest fruit but talking about sweetest mango in India then these are

  1. Chaunsa Mango
  2. Gopal Bhog
  3. Amrapali

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